Worrying inside without any further actions, does this make sense?. Well, certainly not will be the answer. Recent article that i read in the past week made me to make a view on this issue of human being. Most of us in stress period are finding very difficult to get rid of it. Why this happens? merely because of the way we are bringing back those worries in front of our fore head again and again. Sharing these worries with others (i mean the dear ones) will be a good option, but only few does this and the remaining categories just keep that inside their secret chamber or something and just blow out their further proceedings. The consequences of worrying will be very bad, it makes us to think of only that and our direction towards our vision will be lost . This sequence is mostly found in youths mind, especially the job seekers and those in bad environment of work and want a change, but they can't. Well, there is no medicine for this worry factor, but this is the root factor for many metabolic diseases. Simple way to eradicate this, is just to take the life as it approaches and always look forward after a result(whether bad or good). Never ever think of those bad experiences, just learn from that and leave it there. Because no matter how much years we live, always life is short and beautiful and enjoy every moment. I can just give these pieces of words to all my friends, remaining remains in our thoughts....... Stay happy always.........
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