Another awareness information is on today, too.. yes friends, today i am going to emphasize about the temporary eye blindness.. well most of us may not care this problem but to some of those may lead to worse effect.. The scientific term given by doctors for this abnormality is "amaurosis fugax", sounds stressful to pronounce but thats how its called... There are number of reasons behind this problem, one is a temporary interruption in blood supply to the eye, another is a stroke or another type of neurological event which interrupts the signals sent from the eye to the brain, some times after finishing a carnival ride vision in one eye may be blurred, well this happens due to some centrifugal force(thats how the scientists say) .. This defect may last from few seconds to several hours depending on the cause that created it.. even to become worse vision loss can be met if it is not addressed properly.. so dudes dont hesitate to visit an ophthalmologist when this problem strikes again and again in day to day life.. Also some medical imaging test will be done based on the impact it has caused..once this problem is diagnosed then the root cause of this problem will be analysed based upon which the treatment starts.. so this never a big problem unless the care is taken a little earlier.. hope this awareness will be useful to all my frenz.. take care guys, world is beautiful and never give an opportunity to destroy that admiration.. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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