Hi frenz!!!!!!!!!!! today itz about the matter which everyone lacks in their day to day life.. its nothing more than sleeping.. our lifestyle in this fast track world is moving towards the direction of money and work, which is fine until the water hitz ur neck .. exactly the sleep factor.. y do we miss this.. and where this leads to..some interesting surveys are shocking when it dealt with the real professional who admit that they doze off in office hours since they lack it when it needs.. most of them are getting out of their dreamzz atleast 3 to 4 times..this leads to a high risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA), a scenario where breathing halts and makes a person to wake up multiple times during sleep.. where this links to is more a worrying factor.. it worsens the existing heart failure..so sleep is critical for overall health.. especially adults should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night.. More worrying factor is that these surveys are taken in india.. Plz somehow compensate this sleeping factor if it happens to be working in night shifts.. Take care dudes...
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